Chelle Summer

Where Hope Lives

Michelle Rusk

I try to only post positive messages, mostly because when I post something negative, I feel worse and what’s the point of that? It’s hard enough right now to be positive without reading other people’s negative comments or even my own. And quite often those negative comments make me angry which is even worse than feeling negative.

But I’ve found over the past six months in particular that as I’ve tried to be positive and helpful, it's seemingly falling on deaf ears. Fewer people are seeing my blogs than before the pandemic. I don’t know if it’s because Facebook (one of the main places where I get my readership) has changed its algorithms or because people simply don’t want to hear positive messages.

We’ve done such a terrible job teaching people how to cope that it’s easier to sit in that bucket of negativity rather than think about how to get out of it and move over to the positive one (which, I might add, looks a whole lot better- not so brown and ugly, but filled with colorful flowers and life).

I know there are people would counter what I just wrote with, “Well, the world is so negative.”

It is, ultimately though, hope lives inside of you. You might not always find hope around which is why you should be focused on where it is inside you and how you can make that grow rather than where it is outside of you. We all have a choice of how we see the world and the events that continue to unfold. And the sooner people can see that there is opportunity in all this loss and change, the sooner we can move forward to a much brighter bucket of hope and kick that brown negative one to the curb.