Chelle Summer

All is Well

Michelle Rusk

As I’m finding I’m tired and cranky from the pandemic, from the inability to truly move forward (it feels like maybe one small step forward and then two back), I’m also finding that I’m reaching into my tool chest of sorts (although some might say my sewing basket or perhaps my Chelle Summer tote bag) for the tools I’ve used to help me cope with past challenges.

Somewhere during the end of my first marriage, I picked up the idea of using a mantra and rosary beads for the reciting of that mantra. Praying the rosary in a traditional way wasn’t something that ever worked for me and, suddenly, I realized that using the beads for my mantra gave me the peace I was looking for.

The mantra I chose is, “All is well.”

When I feel anxiety ridden, irritation, whatever negative emotion it might be– or just general worry that I can’t shake– I touch a beach and repeat to myself, “All is well.” I do this for each bead until I start to feel relief. I’ve never had to go very far, just a few beads and somehow peace rolls over me like a wave.

It’s easy to get caught up in negative emotions, especially as this uncertainty we’re all enduring drags on. But, somehow, somewhere, we can find peace. And sometimes that place might be easier than we realized.