Chelle Summer

Forward, Not Backward

Michelle Rusk

I don’t believe we are born fearful– the kind of fear that holds us back– but instead we are are “taught” it through various situations that start to define us. Lately, I’ve been feeling that as I cope with my own disappointment that the events I had signed up for– starting this weekend and going into the fall either are canceled or remain uncertain at this time.

I’m easily finding myself falling back into my old ways of thinking, why me?, why this?, I’ve been working hard, why can’t I make things happen? But I’m also finding that– because I’ve taught myself to stop that thinking and instead ask myself what I can learn, what I new doors I can open– that I’m not staying in that place long. I know it would be easier to stay there, but I don’t want to. I want to go forward. That’s when I realize I’m just disappointed that all my hard work from several months ago feels like a waste in this moment as I need to find another way forward.

Life is a series of events to teach us how to go forward, how to not just manage our emotions of what happens to us, but learn how to navigate the events and happenings that we could easily let define our lives. However, we are given a choice of what to do with them. It’s easier to sit in a place of anger and sadness as many people are, and the harder journey is to go forward.

That harder journey on the unknown path is the most worth it though. Why would you want to go back and retrace your steps when you can go forward and create something new?