Chelle Summer

Motivating from Within

Michelle Rusk

Whether we like it or not, as people, we are meant to interact with each other

While we are still able to speak to each other– although in different ways if we are used to being face-to-face with people– many of us are finding our interactions with people are more limited than usual. It occurred to me this morning, as I was mentally motivating myself for the day, what I hope to accomplish, that I don’t have as much energy coming from my personal interactions from others.

It might be talking to someone at the store (I’ve been sending Greg out for all errands), at estate sales, at church, the gym pool, or other places that are part of my routine daily life. I still have what I call my “morning community” when I run and run the dogs, the people I see around the park. But after that, I’m obviously home all day unless a neighbor and I gather outside to talk a few minutes.

I know that I do a good job motivating myself, maybe even too good of a job. But I do appreciate having contact with others and sometimes that contact is a reminder than I’m on the right path or is just enough to give me the motivation to keep going when I’m feeling tired or wondering if what I’m doing is worth it.

As I said last week, it’s like that third lap of a four-lap race, the place where we need to dig deep within ourselves and find the motivation and inspiration. Sometimes we can’t get it from others and this experience is a true test of seeing how much we can motivate ourselves. And with that, we’ll find more strength that we ever knew we had.