Chelle Summer

The Universe Jots a Message

Michelle Rusk

Life at my house has gone from 0 to 100 mph in recent weeks with Greg’s return to school and then his team getting to play an actual (although shortened) soccer season. Two months ago, it didn’t look like there would be a return to school this spring, much less a soccer season. I really thought I would have a quiet March where I could complete a few projects before starting to get busy for the summer months.

That’s a different direction from what happened because as we stand here at the end of March, I have no idea where it went. And while there are many good things happening and my feeling overwhelmed is more related to getting back to a routine that has been missing for a year since Greg was home with me instead of at school, there is a part of me that feels like I’m on a road and I have no idea what’s next.

I know what I want to be next– I want to fly Chelle Summer forward in double time after missing a year of making things happen. And I know that will happen. But what’s unknown right now is how long it will take to catch up and move past where I left off on that board game. That’s the hardest part now– I don’t quite sure know when events will not just return, but when people will start to feel comfortable spending money on themselves.

I didn’t think much of the dime I saw in a checkout at a store yesterday, choosing not to pick it up because, well, I just didn’t feel connected to it. I didn’t feel the need that I needed it. I saw it, moved on, and went on with my day with two bags of dog rawhides tucked into the crook of my arm.

But in the darkness of the parking lot of the gym pool this morning, my mask somehow stuck at the bottom of my bag and not in the pocket where I usually leave it so I had to stop and find it before I got to the front door of the building, out of the corner of my eye I saw a shiny penny staring up at me.

It had been a long time, but there was the dime and penny combination that I had gotten to know so well. And it was then that I realized the universe had jotted a message to me. All is well, the universe said, stay the course, don’t fret– although the universe knows I will– you will get there.