Chelle Summer

The Vaccination

Michelle Rusk

I have had mixed emotions about sharing the fact that I was vaccinated a week ago.

A year ago, when this all started, I thought I would definitely share when I got vaccinated for one major reason- my mom had polio.

All I could think as the pandemic raged on was what a challenge life was for her because she had polio when she was six, in the early 1940s when there was no vaccine. She walked with a limp the rest of her life and I know it affected my life in many ways via the emotional challenges she faced with that limp. I remember once watching home movies and I couldn’t understand why she didn’t want to watch. I must have egged her on because she finally said, “Because I don’t like the way I walk.”

Getting vaccinated was not a no brainer for me though. As someone who experiences chemical intolerances I knew that chances were good I would face some sort of rash (I did). However, I also knew there were things I want to do and without a vaccination, I would not be able to pursue them.

However, the flip side was watching many people get vaccinated and, while wanting to share their excitement and happiness, a sense of freedom that comes with it, I wondered if they were aware of the frustration of those who really wanted the vaccine, but couldn’t get it. I felt if I shared it, I would be gloating.

When I finally let go of the questioning of when my opportunity would come, it came back to me, as if I had thrown the boomerang to the universe and it came back to me. I have been very grateful, shaking my head that once again I was taught a lesson that when you let go, things come back. I am very grateful for the opportunity and that I received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, not subjecting me to more than one shot or opportunity of an itchy mess all over my body.

And there was one more thing. On Wednesday, the 24th, my mom will be gone seven years. I share this for her, for the life and hope she never had because of what polio did to her. None of us know what might happen, but if we’re given an opportunity to help ourselves, we should never turn it down.