Chelle Summer

The Week of Mom

Michelle Rusk

In the years since both my parents have died (2006 for my dad, 2014 for my mom), there is something I have come to realize– no one will ever love us in this life more than our parents.

My mom’s birthday was May 12 so Mother’s Day was inevitably always intertwined with it. Fifteen years ago, we threw my doctoral graduation into the mix, too. While I might not be consciously aware of it all, in the back of my mind I know that all these dates are coming together as they are at the end of this week.

My event yesterday didn’t go great; it went okay. Without getting into reasons that aren’t relevant to anything related to this writing, I got in my car to drive home disappointed. When I turned the car on, “Every Rose Has its Thorn” by Poison was playing.

I probably haven’t written before that my mom loved that song. She even had the 45– I believe cassette singles were just coming out at that time. Whenever I hear it, which tends to be every few months, I know Mom is nearby.

I drove out of the parking lot, reminded that it wasn’t about the event, there was a greater message in my being there yesterday– after all, I wouldn’t have been in the car if I hadn’t been at the event. Mom was sending a hello; one I probably wouldn’t have gotten otherwise. And she was saying not to worry, move on, there is much to look forward to ahead.

As only a mom could say.