Chelle Summer


Michelle Rusk

One would think in a world where we allow so much to be “out there” thanks to the internet and social media, that people would be more authentic than they are. However, the digital world has instead created a questionable atmosphere because people think they have found it easier to pretend to be what they aren't.

I strongly believe in being as authentic as possible which is the harder road to travel because our society seems to praise those who pretend they are something they aren’t, or to praise those who follow rather than lead.

To be authentic, one must travel the road less taken, usually a road that doesn’t exist. I have often found myself on the outside of many circles because I wanted to take my road rather than one someone else had paved. It has also meant that along the way people haven’t helped me because for whatever reason I haven’t been good enough, interesting enough, or whatever-else enough.

But it always has been more important to me to be true to myself and if someone wasn’t going to help me on the paved road, then I’ve chosen to create my own, even when it’s been a more challenging journey.

There are occasional days when I question myself, but I know that in the end I will look back and be glad that I was my authentic self. After all, why would I want to pretend to be someone other than me?