Chelle Summer

Waxing Nostalgic

Michelle Rusk

Seven years. Seven years of Chelle Summer.

It’s hard to believe. On days where I feel frustrated that things aren’t moving fast enough, i should spend a few extra minutes looking at how far I come, how much I have created in the past seven years, and how I’ve made my sewing and designing skills even better.

This photo remains one of my favorites– taken in 2016 at Bolsa Chica State Park just north of Huntington Beach. I don’t know how many bags, dresses, swimsuits, and coverups Greg and I have schlepped from the car across the sand to an open spot on the beach. We’ve done it everywhere, more now than before, and we’ll continue to do it to make Chelle Summer what I want it to be, and what I know it can be.

It started with a bucket bag made from a vintage dress and morphed into much more than that. It started because I decided to start creating what I wanted and didn’t see in the stores. Now there’s very little you’ll find me shopping for (mostly shoes and sunglasses) because I can make so much of it.

Chelle Summer isn’t just a clothing brand, it never really was, because I have too many baskets of eggs I’m working on. Chelle Summer isa a lifestyle, it’s about being true to yourself and what makes you happy, what inspires you.

My hope is that each year, while maybe the climb is taking longer than I thought, that I do continue this journey forward. There is still much to share and much to create.

Thank you for coming along for the ride.