Chelle Summer

Where Peace Resides

Michelle Rusk

It’s hard to find peace within ourselves for one major reason– we have come to expect everything to happen instantly.

Information and people in some sense are at our finger tips with our phones. We look for instant gratification from likes and loves on what we post on social media. We take pills to stop not just physical pain but emotional pain, too. So why would we want to be reflective? All we have to do is look elsewhere and we believe we get what we need.

But we don’t.

Believing we get everything instantly, leaves us feeling empty more often than it gives us peace. That instant gratification means we keep looking for more of it, like an addict or the easy consumption of things like sugar. Once we start, we can’t get off the merry-go round.

So we don’t.

We stay there and we become more miserable.

Yet, there’s an answer. We can take a step back, we can look around us, we can think before we speak or go look at our phones yet again. Heck, we could say a prayer asking for inner peace. And then go seek it by taking care of ourselves without our phones or needing anything from the outside world.

Happiness, peace, it’s all an inside job. Life is a constant journey of learning, but we have to be willing to take a step forward that’s actually a step backward to slow things down and look for ways that bring us a sense of calm inside us.

And if we don’t know what those ways are, stopping and looking around will allow them to be heard within us and the more we take the time to reflect, the more we’ll know we can find it.