Chelle Summer

Forgetting to Ask

Michelle Rusk

Sometimes I forget to ask for help.

I’m not talking about when I’m about to drop a large load of laundry in my arms and I don’t think to ask Greg to help me carry it. I’m referring to those times when I’m looking for something inspirational to post or I’m not sure what to do about a certain situation.

I’m sure I’ve heard it more than once, but I have a memory of attending daily mass and the priest asking why people are so afraid to ask for what they need. And that makes me wonder why I forget to ask for help so many times, especially in the kinds of situations where a little inspiration from the universe goes a long way.

Sometimes the inspiration comes, the words, the ideas, whatever it is, and maybe I have asked without realizing it, but there are times where I’m trying to figure something out and the answers just don’t come to me. It’s then that I forget to ask.

Some years ago, my mom and I were talking about something– I was working on a project and wasn’t sure how to do it (I wish I could remember what it was because it would make this post a lot more interesting to read) and suggested I ask my friend Bonnie who had died several years before that. And when we couldn’t find Mom’s mother’s wedding dress, we talked about how we should ask Grandma (who also had died) where it was.

There are so many times where we need just a little help to find something, to get us past our fear of doing something, when we need a sprinkle of inspiration. We should ask for help then, too. Often, we seem to think we should only turn to God for the major challenges in life, but I believe the more we ask for help from him and our deceased loved ones, the more we’re easing our own road here in this life because we’re learning to let go of whatever is holding us back.