Chelle Summer


Michelle Rusk

Last week I talked about the importance of doing things that bring us joy when we’re faced with what seems like an endless list of routine items to trudge through. But there’s another part of that, taking the time to replenish ourselves, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

After I busy weekend, I usually don’t find myself ready to face Monday and its long list of item to start the week. I also find that my view of the world has become somewhat negative and I have to stop myself, reminding myself to take a step back and remember that I feel down the world and people because I’m tired. That means I also need to find a way to refill that half empty cup.

If I’m feeling physically exhausted, I might move up an acupuncture appointment (nap time!) or make it a priority to spend time on the couch reading. But my emotional side needs something different, usually some sort of project I haven't had time for and would like to do. It has to be something that inspires the creative side to me. For whatever reason, that often is where I find my replenish most of the time. I feel fortunate that I know that though as it has helped me coped with so many challenges in my life.

For each of us, what we need will differ. I know that each time, it might be different and I try to honor that because I also know filling my cup up again is what keeps me fueled to keep going and engaged in the world and the life around me.