Chelle Summer

Finding Peace

Michelle Rusk

This photo says so much to me.

It’s about continuing to keep walking, to keep looking for what I want, what I believe I need, where I want to be.

Last week was a difficult week. While I know for many people, it was about the election, it wasn’t that for me. Two people I know here in New Mexico died from the coronavirus last week. And I two women I know who were recently diagnosed with breast cancer. I felt covered with sadness.

However, I was feeling fairly productive because I had so little on my calendar and I wanted to make sure I made the most of that time. I kept one eye out on the news for election results, but I didn’t feel caught up in it.

But somewhere toward the end of the week I began to feel a peace inside myself.

I have found that when I let myself get back to God, to prayer, to reminding myself that God is walking with me, I feel better. I pray daily, that’s not an issue with me. But it’s easy to move on with my day and start to fight with everything– mostly the thoughts in my head that take me down roads I don’t need to see because they are negative and unproductive.

Yesterday the Archbishop of Los Angeles Jose Gomez reminded us in his homily that prayer can “settle the mind.”

It’s been easy to get caught up in what’s going on outside of us, in the world, in places we can’t control. But what we can control is what happens in our minds. I’ve been letting myself be outside of myself too much. The journey within brought me peace I haven’t found in some time.